Find out more about Hargate Hall

We have additional information and downloads that you can download which (hopefully!) you will find useful for planning your Hargate Hall holiday, party or wedding.

If you would like the information in a different format or version, then please let us know and we can email it to you.

Weddings at Hargate

Hargate Hall Weddings

Wedding information sheet. Please fill in this spreadsheet and email it to us. This is very important as it gives us all the details of your wedding, table and chairs requirements.

Floor plan. This PDF shows the position of each apartment within the Hall.

Room and sleeping configuration. This Excel spreadsheet shows all the sleeping arrangements in the Hall. It details the number of bedrooms and beds for each apartment. This makes life much easier when working out who can go where!

Detailed measurements and more dimensions of the Hall. These documents give detailed measurements of the main Hall and the Marquee.

Additional hire items. We have a selection of items that we have been buying that can be used in the Hall or the Marquee. This includes lights, display boards, sound system etc.

Holidays at Hargate

Hargate Hall Holidays

This is our standard self-catering brochure. You’ll find lots of details about your stay and our recommendations of things to do and places to eat – Hargate Hall Online Guest Book.

Holiday Downloads

Other than the brochure above, which is more tailored to holidays rather than weddings, the other wedding items may still be of interest. So have a quick look through – just because wit says wedding downloads it doesn’t mean you can’t use the information as well!