The One Question You Need To Ask When Planning Your Wedding

You’ve just got engaged. You’re swimming with ideas and plans and excitement.

But if you’re not careful, this can lead to overwhelm. So much do to, so much to plan, so many people telling you what you should or shouldn’t do. Wonderful traditions can suddenly seem like another thing to add to your list, and it can be easy to forget the real reason for your special day.

But what should you focus on when planning your wedding?

Here at Hargate Hall, we often get asked to produce a list of items or elements each wedding should include. Such as favours, cakes, photo booths, sweet tables, donut rings, a bouquet toss or even speeches… but the truth is, it’s up to you.

We believe you shouldn’t have to have anything. That’s the point of a DIY wedding, and that’s at the heart of a Hargate Hall wedding – you get to decide. You can plan to include or exclude whatever you like. You’re in charge of the decisions. You’re in control.

Yet this freedom can feel terrifying. How do you know if you’re making the right decision? How do you know if you’ve missed something important on the list?

Well, we can help. We’ve devised an important question to help you plan your wedding and decide what you do or don’t need on your special day.

The one question you need to ask when planning your wedding

Are you ready?

It’s quite simple.

And it’s not what you might expect.

Here it is: What do you remember about the weddings that’s you’ve been to?

A simple question, but a powerful one. Do you remember the table settings, or the centre piece? Do you remember what colour the chair covers were, or what favour you had? Do you remember the colour theme? Or the type of napkins used?

If you can’t remember these details, it’s more than likely your guests won’t remember these details about your wedding. So why worry about them yourself?

Of course, details do matter, and if you want all your items to match, that’s fine. It’s great even. These special touches can really make your wedding pop. But if you’re not worried about these items, or worse, if they are causing you stress, then give yourself permission to remove them from your special day. Focus on the things you really care about, the things that make you unique as a couple. These are the elements that your guests will remember, because they’ll know they mattered to you.

This could be your choice of first dance, the band you love, the food you can’t stop eating, or the words you say as part of your vows.

Focus on what matters to you.

Whatever matters to you is important. Don’t worry about what you should or shouldn’t do. Just focus on how to make the wedding more ‘you!’. One of the best ways to do this is to make a list with your partner. Try to write a ‘top five list’ of the things you really care about and let this be your priority list. Focus on these items when your wedding ideas start to spiral and you won’t go wrong.

We’d love to talk to you about this some more and help you to develop some unique ideas for a fun-filled wedding. We are ready and waiting for your DIY wedding enquiry. You can call us on 01298 872591. Or email us at with the dates you’d like to book, and we’ll get straight back to you.

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