The restrictions we saw brought in list night have a dramatic effect on everyone, but are clearly needed to slow down the spread of Coronavirus. As a result any weddings, parties or holidays due to take place here over the next few weeks are beibg cancelled or postponed. Obviously we have no idea how long this will be in place, so we are following any rules imposed and reviewing the advice given on a daily basis. Essentially this means we are closed, but there are are a few exceptions, particularly with accommodation for Key Workers.

Accommodation for Key Workers

If you are a Key Worker requiring accommodation then you can stay with us. Here is a summary of who Key Workers are which was given to schools.

Others requiring Accommodation

If you are stranded or unable to go home then we can also offer you accommodation.

How should you book

If this is of interest to you then where possible, please contact us directly by phone, email, facebook etc rather than booking online so that we can discuss arrangements. If you have to book online (ie you are doing it at 2am!) then we will have that conversation during the day. The online system is not accurate at the moment either, while all the cancellations are being processed.

How can Hargate Hall help

As we provide self catering accommodation, your room/apartment is completely self contained.  You have your own bathroom, living room and kitchen, so nothing is shared with people in other apartments. We will be running slightly differently in that all our staff are furloughed to minimise risk to them, us and any guests. If you require anything such as change of bedding, towels cleaning products etc these will be left outside you door. Dirty bedding, towels etc requiring washing should be bagged and left outside your door. We will not be entering you room during your stay.  We have general information about our self catering apartments.

Are you symptomatic?

If you are showing any symptoms of Coronavirus then please do not come here. We do not want to risk us or other guests catching it. Please just follow the advise being given by the NHS

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