We are  delighted to announce that Hargate Hall now holds the Peak District Environmental Quality Mark (EQM). “What’s all that about?” I hear you ask! The Environmental Quality Mark CIC runs the award on behalf of the Peak District National Park Authority. So to quote a bit from their website

The Peak District National Park Authority presents the EQM award to organisations that:

  • support the local economy
  • protect the global environment
  • enhance the local environment
  • invest in people and communities
  • celebrate what’s special about the Peak District National Park

Peak District EQM logo

What do we do to get the Peak District EQM?

Essentially we look at everything we do and buy to see if we can improve, but with a local and environmental focus. For us this covers things like having the biomass boiler (covered in a previous post ). This has greatly reduced our CO2 emissions. We aim to buy from local shops and business and also to use eco friendly products where possible and practical. Additionally, we encourage guests staying here to explore the local area and support local businesses by buying from them. Keeping local small businesses going is vital to maintaining the peak District economy. 

If you would like to find out more about the award then have a look at these 2 websites.  www.eqm.org.uk/about and www.peakdistrict.gov.uk/looking-after/eqm

Even better, support some of the other EQM businesses. For a list oc current EQM award holders, visit EQM award holders

Categories: News


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