Its hard to believe that it has only been 5 weeks since our last wedding of 2012 , and we already feel that we are back in the wedding season. Not so much for weddings actually taking place, but from all the enquiries that are just pouring in! We always know January is going to be a busy time of year with lots of enquiries for weddings, parties and holidays, but 2013 has certainly got off to a flying start. In only 14 days we have taken 6 bookings for the whole place and 11 bookings for individual apartments.
Over the next few weeks we have lots of apartments booked individually by families coming to explore all that the peak district has to offer. After that, with only a few exceptions every weekend is either a wedding, a party or reunion!
We are hoping that 2013 will bring us some better weather than last year. I don’t mind the snow so much (we have about 4 inches right now) but the continuous rain was really getting depressing. Not only that, I need some drier weather so that I can get some work done in the grounds. I was able to get very little done last year without everything just turning to mud!