Many couples getting married like to try and keep a firm grip on their budget. So we have been looking at ideas that don’t cost much, are simple yet very effective.

Today’ topic is table decorations. A table properly laid out with crockery, cutlery and glassware can look great, but finnishing touches such as adding flowers, table names, place names etc can make a big difference but are often surisingly expensive.

A simple but effective solution is to decorate empty cans to use as flower pots. We used baked been sized cans, but I am sure it would work with paint tins if you had enough of them!

decorated cans decorated cans on table

First the cans were cleaned and then dried. They can then be wrapped with wrapping paper or other printed paper and then finished off with some ribbon as a border and then decorated as desired.

Equally they could be wrapped in plain paper printed up with table names, menus or whatever you want to try.



Categories: News

1 Comment

Hargatehall · April 24, 2012 at 15:18

If you have any pictures and details of home-made decorations used at Hargate Hall feel free to tell us about them.

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