You can win a weekend or midweek break in one of our 1 bedroomed apartments

How do I enter?

All you have to do is write an article that mentions your booking (past or future) Hargate Hall. It can be about what sort of thing you have done when you have been here, why you chose the peak district and Hargate Hall, what you plan to do next time you come, or anything else that you would like to write about. The aim to give others an insight into the huge range of things people do while they are here, and  why people choose Hargate Hall. If you have any pictures to send as well all the better. The article should be sent to us as an email with any pictures as an attachment.

What happens then?

We will add your article to our blog. Please finish your article with your name in a form that you are happy for us to publish.

How do I win?

At the end of each blog we will include the facebook like button, a twitter button and of course comments can be made. If people like what you have put, they will (hopefully!) use these to let others know. The person with the highest total of “likes” “tweets” and comments wins! We moderate all comments on the blog to reduce spam, so comments may not show immediately, but they will be included at the end.

When do I have to enter by?

There is no closing date for entries, however the earlier you get it in the longer people will have so see it.

When do we know who’s won?

The competion will run until 08:05 BST on Monday 11th July. The winner will be anounced shortly afterwards

Are there any other terms and conditions?

The break has to be taken before Friday 16th December 2011
Booking is subject to availablity
You can upgrade to any other apartment and you will just have to pay the difference in price.
This prize cannot be used against existing bookings
You can only enter once
We reserve the right to make changes to, or not to publish, your article.

Categories: News


shirley jones · June 16, 2011 at 09:58

Hargate hall

Wedding Supplier News Round-Up – 17th June 2011 « The Wedding Community Blog · June 17, 2011 at 13:33

[…] Win a Break at Hargate Hall […]

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