Well, yes, it’s snowing! We currently have about a foot of snow (measured on the old tennis court) but due to the occasional gust of wind there is a fair amount of drifting around. Parts of our car park are virtually bare, but other parts have 3 ft drifts. Santa came to visit at the weekend to talk to all the children from a lovely group that we have stay here each year. You can see the video here.


There are various pictures on one of the guest’s blog  http://beckywilloughby.blogspot.com/2010/11/single-with-kids-xmas-party-weekend-at.html. It is a shame that they missed out on the best of the snow!


Hargate Hall in the snow

Snow in the Peak District



The local roads are open but care is needed. If you have a 4 wheel drive that is best. I would avoid the side roads from Tideswell to Wormhill, and from Peak Forest to Wormhill. The best route is probably to pick up the signs to Tunstead Quarry from the A6 a couple of miles north of Buxton. We are another couple of miles passed the quarry. We are happy to pick up guests from Buxton railway station (or anywhere else within reason!). Feel free to ring us and we can pass on what we know about the roads.

Categories: News


Chrissie · December 1, 2010 at 21:49

Another fabulous weekend at Hargate Hall, it definitely ranks as one of our favourite destinations in our calendar. So lovely of you to arrange the snow yet again for us, we’ve been sledging in the grounds every year we’ve visited.

Here’s looking forward to next year….and the next….oh and the one after that too!

Enjoy the snow!

Becky · December 1, 2010 at 21:55

glad you found my blogpost! my kids wanted to live at the hall they enjoyed it so much…

You have got a lot more snow – I would have been stuck in my old banger 😉

Tweets that mention Weather Update « Hargate Halls Blog -- Topsy.com · December 1, 2010 at 19:18

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Hargate Hall and Anthony & Julie Knox, Anthony & Julie Knox. Anthony & Julie Knox said: @SingleWithKids added video and 1 of your groups blog to our blog as well http://hargatehall.wordpress.com/2010/12/01/weather-update/ […]

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